Thursday, March 27, 2008

The day of reckoning draws near............

The project manager for my group just announced the change that I already knew was coming. She's headed to another group effective the last day of this month. I already knew that because our vice-president had already let me know that I was the one he'd like to take the project manager position.

So, in the coming weeks, I'll get dumped into the world of management. I'll have to hire someone to replace the outgoing project manager. I'll send status reports to my VP concerning the group's work. Approval of time sheets and vacation time fall in my responsibilities as well, though that shouldn't be hard to approve considering everyone works a straight 40 hours.

My only concern is that I'm going to be promoted to run a group that has a couple of people who are older than me. They honestly don't have the experience or education necessary to run a group, but it's never a great situation when a more veteran group member doesn't get the nod for a promotion over a newer member of the group. Thankfully, I have a very good relationship with both of them, so I don't think it will be too difficult to make it work.