Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random musings............

1. Local rumblings indicate that several administrators in our school district used corporate credit cards to make numerous personal purchases? If these people are dumb enough to think they'll be able to get away with this, do we really want them to oversee our child's education?

2. I received a speeding ticket last month. I intentionally set the speed control at 7-8 MPH over the speed limit to avoid going 10+ MPH over the speed limit, which is generally the line where cops start pulling you over. On the day in question, my speed control was set at 72 in a 65 MPH zone. Cop pulled my red Mustang over on the last day of the month for 'going 75 in a 65 MPH zone'. Either they round up 3 MPH when your car is red or they adjust the speed to make sure they fulfill their ticket quota on the last day of the month. Either way, it's awfully hard to argue against him.

3. If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama keep pissing on each other's shoes, there going to hand the election to John McCain by default. Note to the Democratic party........starting the mudslinging before you even get to the point where your candidate is selected is a BAD idea.

4. I bought a new powder blue Royals' jersey. It's been awhile since I purchased one. Thought I'd spend yet another year building up my hopes. Perhaps this year will be a good one??????

5. Kali 1.1 tried to swallow a penny yesterday. Mrs. Lime wasn't sure if it went down the chute, so they got an X-ray to be sure. No pennies were found, so we don't know if it went through the system or if she missed her mouth. It would appear we have the next great sleight-of-hand magician on our hands.

6. Mrs. Lime brought home two containers of ice cream and one container of sherbet last night. She said she couldn't decide which one she wanted, so she bought all three. This wouldn't be the first time that Mrs. Lime was indecisive, but it would be the first time that three containers of ice cream came home with her as a result of that indecisiveness.

7. I think I'm one of the few people in the U.S. that's excited about the economic downturn. I see that stock market going down and all I can think about is how much quicker I'm going to increase my retirement savings by investing right now.

8. Someone I know mentioned that their parents bought a second home in a Florida retirement community. Unfortunately, a short time after they bought it, the developer filed for bankruptcy and now the subdivision is full of empty houses and unfulfilled promises. Note to self: don't enter a 'planned retirement' community unless it's fully completed.

9. I watched High School Musical the other night with Kali 1.1. I admit it. It was a fun show and the songs were catchy. Kali gave it a thumbs up.

10. A baby's digestive track leaves little to the imagination. What comes out in the diaper can be easily deciphered to determine what went in the mouth to produce the output.