Wednesday, May 07, 2008

An avalanche of new tricks...........

Kali 1.2 keeps racking up new achievements. Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Lime was feeding her some crackers for an afternoon snack. She quickly snapped them up, one after the other. At the end, Mrs. Lime and I both told her they were all gone with our arms outstretched to the sides. Kali smiled, stuck out her arms, and screamed "Gone!!!". She was awfully proud of herself.

Kali was walking around the house with me in tow last night. She saw one of her toys and got pretty excited and broke into a "jog" as best I can describe it. It wasn't a run by any means, but there was definite acceleration and it was a different stride than her usual walk. Thankfully, her new-found speed didn't cause her to fall.

She's also interacting with her books and videos quite a bit more. She gets excited when fun or exciting things happen on the show. She also points quite a bit when there's something that she's noticed. In her books, she now points to objects and wants us to tell her what that is. She switches from one picture to the next so quickly that I sometimes wonder if she's getting it, but recently she's been trying to say the words on occasion, so there's something going on in that head of hers.

Mrs. Lime took her to the doctor yesterday for a checkup. Everything checked out fine. She's still the same weight as she was a few months ago (24 pounds), but her arms and legs are acting like Silly Putty right now. They just keep stretching further and further. She's going to be 6 feet tall by 4th grade at this pace.