Thursday, May 29, 2008

A baby tsunami.............

What makes a good baby turn bad? When they go most of the day without napping. Yikes.

Kali 1.3 was not interested in talking things out yesterday. She took a 15 minute nap in the morning and a 10 minute nap in the afternoon and that was it. Both of the naps were in the car. This resulted in a baby who decided that random screaming constituted a form of communication.

Tried to entertain her with toys........not interested.
Tried to take her walking around in the restaurant........not interested.
Tried to give her some food.........nope.
Tried to give her something to drink.........not having it.

Eventually, she got handed off to Mrs. Lime and that worked relatively well, though she was still extremely squirmy and grumpy. But at least the full-on screaming subsided. I plan on cashing in on my experiences. I'm going to write a book entitled "How A Baby Can Go From Happy To Meltdown In 30 Seconds". I'm sure it will be a best seller.