Monday, May 05, 2008

Who's that biped that just walked through the room?

Kali 1.2 is quickly making the transition from a lap-based baby to a mobile 1 year old. When she gets tired, she does one of two things. Either she crawls up on Mom or Dad's lap or she just starts rolling around on the floor and burying her head in the carpet. Outside of being tired, she's generally on the go at all times.

She walks around the house in circles right now. Unless she heads for a staircase, I generally don't even bother getting up at this point. We have the rooms picked up except for toys, so she can't get into much trouble outside of the occasional fall. Since she's walking in circles, she'll show up every 30-60 seconds or so and wave as she walks through the room on her way around the house.

She's also able to climb up her slide without any assistance. She's pretty happy with that advancement, as she was likely tired of asking for a parent every time she wanted to go on the slide. She did have some problems yesterday, as the jeans she was wearing weren't very flexible. As a result, she wasn't able to lift her leg up and climb the slide like she usually does. The moral of this story is to put her in cotton pants to play until she gets a bit taller.