Thursday, May 22, 2008

Eating lots of food doesn't make you a good cafeteria manager.........

There's a guy that's been running the cafeteria in my work building for around a year or so. Pretty nice guy, though he does have a tendency to get on his employees pretty hard on occasion (Perhaps that makes him not quite as nice of a guy). He's a poster boy for the food that is sold in the cafeteria. Anyone who runs a cafeteria and weighs in at 350-400 pounds must have some tasty (and fatty) food to sell. I usually grab a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch, so I wouldn't know.

The other day, I noticed that there was a sign that said the frequent buyer cards that this manager had implemented would no longer be accepted. That's usually not a good sign for a manager. Yesterday, I went down to grab some lunch and notice the manager at the grill area. As I was ordering a grilled chicken sandwich, I noticed another guy come up behind him and ask him to move to the cash register to help out.

Translation: This guy wasn't a manager anymore. Worse yet, he was now an employee under the guy who took over the managing position. Ouch! Talk about awkward.

Personally, if that ever were to happen to me, I'd have to move on to another job. I think the tension in that relationship would just be too much to handle. Besides, if you've been demoted from a management position and have to work for the new boss, there's an awfully good chance that you won't be looking at a promotion any time soon. Best to move on and start over.