Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The words are starting to just roll right out of Kali 1.3. One word after another. She's reached the point that she's making the connection between various objects and the associated words. For example, she was carrying her sweater jacket around with her last night. I asked her if she was carrying her jacket and she said 'jacket' with a big grin on her face.

In some cases, she knows that two objects are different, but when she says them, they basically sound the same. She has a car and also has a deck of alphabet flash cards. The words car and cards both come out as 'car', but she definitely knows that they're two different things. Consonants are often left out as well. Frog is prounounced 'fog' in the Kali version of the English language.

Yesterday, Kali and I ran over to the nearby Target store to pick up some groceries and other items. From the moment I took her out of the car, she was interested in one thing: talking. It was absolutely non-stop. Some of it was incoherent babble, other times it was 'Da-Da' over and over again. We even got to the Cheerios and she said 'Cheeee!'.

I saw a study several months back that noted that women use three times as many words in an average day as a man. Kali is well on her way to increasing that number. That girl can talk like nobody's business when you wind her up.