Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Not my daughter...........

Parents are so oblivious sometimes.

There's a message board that I frequent where you can put pictures at the bottom of each of your posts if you'd like to do so. It's sometimes referred to as a 'signature'. People put all kinds of things in their signature and I'm not sure they think it through completely.

One guy has a 4 year old daughter that he talks about regularly. He talks about how much fun he has with her and things she learns. He occasionally posts pictures of the girl so people can see how she's growing.

In his signature, he has a picture of 7 college-age girls in what can only be described as a compromising pose for purposes of this blog. A middle-aged mother who has older children on the board noted this signature picture. She asked the guy what he would do if his daughter was in a picture like that one. His response: "25 years to life".

While the response was amusing, more parents need to be aware of things they do and the effect it can have on their kids. If this guy is still posting these kinds of pictures on a message board, I'm guessing he lets his guard down a bit more than he should around his kids. I'm not sure who needs to grow up nowdays: the parents or the kids?