Monday, June 02, 2008

Hijinx foiled..........

Kali 1.3 got a new toy over the weekend. Her cousin Gwen got a car that can be pushed with a handle. We thought it would be great to have for walking around the neighborhood, so Kali and I picked on up on Sunday. She absolutely loves it. I tore around the house with Kali in the car and she squealed around every fast corner. Mrs. Lime noted that it was a 'kiddie coaster in the house'.

Earlier in the day, Kali and I sat down to watch cartoons that morning. I took out Kali's binky and gave her some morning milk. We watched cartoons for a bit and then read some books and played with some toys. Three hours later, Mrs. Lime came out of her office to hang out with us. Kali ran over to her and sat in her lap.

Kali: (pointing at me) KIE!

Mrs. Lime: Does Daddy have your binky?

Me: (wry smile) What?

Kali: (nods head up and down while pointing at Daddy) KIE!!!!!! KIE!!!!!!

Mrs. Lime: You think that Daddy has your binky?

Kali: KIE!

I played dumb for a couple of minutes before finally handing it over. I still can't believe that she played for three hours without a binky, but when she started to feel sleepy, she remembered that her daddy had taken her binky out that morning and put it in his pocket. She's getting far too smart.