Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Am I forgetting something?

Mrs. Lime was working last night, so I was in charge of Kali 1.7. I had to attend a meeting for the fraternity alumni board. So I filled up my sparkly purple diaper bag with snacks, diapers, and toys. I told Kali to put her shoes on, to which she screamed, "SHOES!".

I then told her to put on her jacket. "JACKET!!!!"

After Kali had on all her gear, I reached down and grabbed the bag and Kali and I headed for the garage exit. When we were halfway to the exit, Kali, out of nowhere, yelled out, "KEYS!!!".

I laughed. "Yes, Daddy needs keys for the car."

I then had a moment of realization. I hadn't picked up the keys. They were still on the table right next to where we got Kali's jacket. She realized that and was now hinting in a very 19-month old transparant way that I had forgot them on the table.

This just in........I'm old and my daughter is far too smart.