Friday, October 31, 2008

Kali 1.8 practices for Halloween.......

Kali 1.8 is all ready to go for Halloween. She's been practicing with Mrs. Lime. Last night at dinner, she demonstrated her ability to say "Trick or Treat!" multiple times. I'm sure she'll come home with a huge stash of candy and then we'll have to find other people willing to eat most of it. She'll get to enjoy a couple of pieces of candy, but any more candy than that would likely send her bouncing off the walls.

Halloween also means another birthday for Mrs. Lime 29.0 (Yes, she's 29 again so don't bother asking). Between her mommy time with Kali and the upcoming puppy arrival, I'm not sure she could be having more fun than she is right now. Of course, she has to deal with me, but she seems to manage well enough. She's by far the best wife I've ever had and I don't see anyone knocking her off that pedestal in the next 40-50 years. I'm sure we'll raise a glass of eyeball punch in a toast tonight for her birthday. It only seems appropriate.