Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where'd the glow go?

Last night, Kali 1.8 learned a new word thanks to her daddy's misfortune. That word is 'broken'. I turned on my laptop computer last night to find that the backlight on the monitor had gone out. So while the monitor is displaying properly, there's no 'glow' behind the screen to allow you to see what you're doing. In addition, the cost to replace the monitor is roughly as much as a new computer.

(insert visual of Kali raising hands to her sides with palms up while saying 'Broken!')

Thankfully, I could use a flashlight to light up the screen enough to where I could save off all the pictures, videos, documents, etc. that I had not already backed up. After I did that, Kali and I were off to drop our hard-earned cash on a computer I'd rather not buy right now.

Kali, per the usual, enjoyed her trip to the electronics retail store. They always have big, colorful pictures and lots of fun noises that peak the interest of a 20 month old child. She went from shelf to shelf, looking at stuff. She knows she'll be in trouble if stuff gets taken off the shelf, so instead of pulling things off the shelf, she just tries to touch every single item she can.

Meanwhile, I tried to find the best bargain priced laptop that would suit my needs. After 10-15 minutes of looking and a $600 price tag, I was headed home with a replacement. I'll likely spend a couple of days just configuring the PC and getting rid of a lot of the pre-installed junk that I don't need. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my PC experience back to normal once that's complete. Hopefully this one doesn't doesn't break down anytime soon.