Thursday, October 09, 2008

When did that happen?

So I think the office feels a bit sheepish this morning. I'll explain.

Yesterday, one of the ladies in my office sent out an e-mail to the entire group saying that they were planning a baby shower for one of the ladies in our office who is 7 months pregnant. There was only one one even knew she was pregnant before that.

It's a bit of a touchy situation. The lady is overweight. I actually suspected that she was pregnant a couple of months ago, but was I going to be the idiot to go up and congratulate her on a pregnancy that may or may not exist? Hell no!

Her cube is right next to mine. Yesterday, people were coming over all day to congratulate her on the pregnancy. At some level, she had to realize that most of the people didn't know she was pregnant and weren't willing to take the risk before now to ask her if she was pregnant for fear they might offend her if she was just putting on a few pounds.

Back to your regularly scheduled office gossip...........