Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween arrives in the foyer.........

We put out some of the Halloween decorations around the house yesterday. We have an animated butler that we call 'Lurch' who stands near the back door for most of the year. Kali 1.8 always waves to him and says 'Hi' when she passes by him. She seems relatively unfazed by his scary appearance. However, that all changed yesterday.

While Mrs. Lime and Kali were at the library for reading time, I took the free time to get out a lot of the Halloween decorations. That included moving Lurch to the entry foyer and plugging him in. Also, I put up an animated witch who screams and cackles. Kali came back and saw the figures in the doorway. She was OK with them......until the motion sensor set them off.

Suddenly, Lurch was breathing and talking with moving eyes. The witch began to cackle and scary music played. Kali got scared and put a choke hold on my neck. She also clawed at my neck with her fingernails and started shaking. She was REALLY scared. We went back to the living room to watch them from a distance. She kept pointing at them and saying 'Uh-oh' and 'witch'.

Eventually, we worked out a nervous compromise. Mrs. Lime and I went in and touched, kissed, and hugged the witch and Lurch so Kali would know they were OK. While she didn't totally buy into it yesterday, she was blowing kisses to all of them on the way to bed. She's OK with them at a distance. I'm sure she'll get better as the days go on. For now, we've turned them off so they don't get too scary.