Wednesday, November 22, 2006

American disconnect......

How scary is the level of disconnect of most Americans as to what is going on in the world around them? In Lebanon today, a man who was a Christian and spoke out against the Syrian government was assassinated. In Darfur, Muslims are literally exterminating innocent villagers (most of whom are Christians) because they want the land they live on for the oil beneath that land. In Iraq, people are killing each other in a power struggle between ethnic factions and aligning themselves with government like Iran. In Russia, the government is literally killing anyone who speaks out against the government or tries to expose the corruption in the Kremlin. In North Korea, a madman who starves his people while he lives like royalty has missiles that can easily strike the United States if he just pushes the button. It's a scary world with a lot of things to deal with that definitely have some effect on America in one form or another.

Meanwhile, more Americans know who Paris Hilton is than the name of the Speaker of the House, a person who is in line for the presidency should both the president and vice-president die. Rarely do more than 50% of Americans vote in an election, yet it seems that 100% of them want to complain about the state of politics. More Americans know about the Cruise-Holmes wedding than what was included in the most recent port security bill. More Americans know about the stupid things that any given politician did in their personal life than they do about the actual voting record of that politician or what they did for their constituents. Some Americans would prefer to remain on welfare and take handouts from the government rather than take a minimum wage job and work their way up to a better-paying job. Some Americans complain about a hard-working Mexican immigrant "taking jobs away from Americans" rather than simply working hard to be a better worker than that immigrant.

Sickening stuff.