Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween in the new neighborhood.....

Last night, we had a frat brother of mine and his family over to hang out and trick-or-treat in the neighborhood. I called Mrs. Lime and let her know that they would be coming over. I also distinctly said not to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. I'd go out and get some hot dogs and chips and we'd be good. Mrs. Lime asked me if we had any macaroni and cheese. I said we did and she said OK.

Somewhere along the line, we had noted from more than one book that one of the effects of late-term pregnancy is forgetfulness. We have noticed that my pregnant wife will forget something I told her not long ago. So it didn't come as a complete surprise when Mrs. Lime walked into the door with two family-size boxes of mac and cheese, three pounds of chocolate (we had already got candy for the trick-or-treaters and I had shown it to her), and a 12 pack of crème filled cupcakes.

We were a bit dismayed by the initial turnout early in the evening. We probably looked like idiots as we stood at the door looking out the window for any sign of little goblins headed in our direction. But as the night went along, all of our neighbors started dropping by to introduce themselves. Even the neighbor husky came by with his owners to say hi to our dog.

We ended up with around 20-25 kids when all was said and done. Not a bad turnout for a neighborhood that's only about half-filled with houses up to this point in time. Mrs. Lime and Nova got to go out and trick-or-treat with our friend's kids and she said she had a good time.
Now comes the hard chore of bringing the leftover candy/cupcakes to work and trying to avoid eating the leftovers that everyone else is bringing into work.