Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cafeteria curiosities.....

There's a cafeteria in the basement of my workplace. I generally use it when I forget my lunch or if I need a caffeine boost occasionally.

I keep the 32 oz. Styrofoam cup around my desk after using it. The reason? It costs 86 cents if you buy a new cup. Here's the prices.....

32 oz. drink = $1.50
32 oz. refill = $0.64

It seriously costs 86 cents to make that cup?!?!?!?! There's some serious beverage pricing issues in this building. First, the markup of the hot chocolate because of coffee shortages, now this.

As I stood in line yesterday to pay for my lunch (since I forgot to bring along something to eat), there was a lady in front of me that was probably in her 60s. The cashier rung up the total for all of her food. The lady in front of me reached into her dress and pulled a HUGE wallet out of her bra! I'm not talking a money clip. This thing was an inch and a half thick! Better yet, after she opened the wallet she quickly realized that the wallet didn't have what she was looking for. So she put it back into her bra and reached into the other bra cup to pull out another wallet!

She calmly pulled out the money, paid the cashier and then put the 2nd wallet back in her bra and calmly walked off. The cashier didn't seem phased by this at all, so I'm guessing it happens on a regular basis. I will say that if that wallet gets any bigger, she's going to have to get a breast augmentation to fit that thing in her bra.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any security camera still-shots to prove this story, so you'll just have to take my word that it did really happen.