Friday, November 24, 2006

My Black Friday outing......

I got up early to head over to the nearby Best Buy to pick up on some sales. I was targeting a TV, a lightweight vacuum and some DVD's. The DVD's were actually not on sale at Best Buy, but if you bring the competitor's advertisement, they'll do a price match. It's a great way to buy things on Black Friday so you don't have to race from store to store trying to get all the various deals.

I got to Best Buy around 3:15 AM. It was just under two hours until the store opened and there were already about 200-300 people in line. Best Buy handled the crowd very well. They set up a queue at the door to make sure the line filed in orderly. Also, they came through the line at 4:00 AM to hand out tickets for the major sale items. This made it really nice because there wasn't a major rush to get to those items once the store opened up at 5:00 PM.

I sweat it out while they started passing out the tickets. Various other items were brought through the line by the Best Buy reps that I wasn't all that interested. Finally, someone came through with the item that I came to get. They handed me the ticket. There was supposed to be a minimum of 12 of those specific TV's per store. I looked at my ticket and it said my ticket was #13. Thank God they got extra TV's in. I would have barely missed getting one otherwise.

By the time the doors opened, there were well over 1,000 people in line. Prettty amazing site. I would have taken a picture, but it was still dark outside, so not much of a chance of getting a good shot. I went in and got the stuff I was looking for and got in the TV line. I had to wait an hour in line to get the TV paid for and pick it up, but it was well worth the savings.

I did receive a call from my friend Rudy while I was waiting in line. He had gone over with his wife to wait in the always chaotic line at Toys 'R' Us. It's always amazing what parents will do for a little savings on a toy. Today was no different as evidently a guy attempted to cut in line and ended up in a fist fight with the guy he tried to cut in front of in line. Never enough excitement on Black Friday I suppose.

I headed back home around 6:45 to catch a couple of hours of sleep so I wouldn't be too tired for the rest of the day.