Friday, November 17, 2006

Wisdom found on a car ride.........

Mrs. Lime and I headed down to the Mizzou basketball game last night. We were running late, so we ended up just driving down on our own rather than riding down with everyone else we sit with.

While I enjoy going to the basketball games, I enjoy the ride down nearly as much. We usually ride in a group of 6 people for roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hours one way. The time in the car is nice because you don't have the distractions of normal life. You can just chat with people and catch up on what's happening in their life or things you didn't see that week that others might have seen. If there's kids with us, it's usually just as entertaining to find out what a kid is thinking about at any given moment. I know most people see it as a long car ride, but I see it as a chance to unwind.

We were driving down I-70 from Kansas City to Columbia, where the University of Missouri is located. About 20 miles before you reach Columbia is a town called Boonville. It is located in Boone County. I divert the conversation after seeing the first exit sign for Boonville.......

Me: Do you know what Boonville is named after?

Mrs. Lime: A guy named Boon?

Me: Close, it's actually Daniel Boone.

Mrs. Lime: I didn't know Boonville was named after Daniel Boone.

Me: Yep, I believe there is actually a place near town where he lived for a portion of time.

Mrs. Lime: Daniel Boone lived in Missouri? I thought he lived in Tennessee?

Me: Well, I know at one point later in his life he was a senator in Kentucky, but I believe he was mostly an explorer and trailblazer during his early life, so I'm sure he explored this area at some point in time.

Mrs. Lime: But what about that song.....'born on a mountain top in Tennessee (pause) ...killed him a bear when he was only three.'?

Me: Yeah, I guess you are right. I do remember that song.

Mrs. Lime is quite happy with her newfound show of knowledge about Daniel Boone living in Tennessee. We move on to other topics and discussion unrelated to Daniel Boone or Boonville.

After about 5 minutes, a puzzling thought comes to my head......

Me: Wait, isn't that song about Davy Crockett? 'Davy, Davy Crockett! King of the wild frontier!'

Mrs. Lime: Actually, (laughing) I think you're right.

Me: Well, you were right on the song, but I guess we should have finished the song to make sure we knew who the heck we were singing about.

The rest of the night, I started singing the Davy Crockett song at random moments, sometimes inserting Daniel Boone's name in the song, sometimes leaving it the same. Mrs. Lime was amused by the various renditions.

At another point in the ride, Mrs. Lime made a very good point....

Mrs. Lime: You know, we should put cameras in this car just to record our conversations. I'm thinking people would find us awfully funny.

Me: Oh, I have no doubt that they'd find us funny. People could learn a lot from watching us.

Then again, if people were learning from the Lime family antics, would they really be learning anything at all? I'm thinking they're better off watching Sesame Street. The last thing the world needs to do is learn from my antics. Mrs. Lime? Maybe, but certainly not me.