Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Holiday weekend complete......

Long holiday weekend for the Lime family. Lots of excitement and some unwanted excitement, but it was good to have everyone around for the holiday weekend.

We had a ridiculous amount of food on our Thanksgiving table. We had two different turkeys (one was cooked overly well done intentionally), a ham, several salads, veggies, rolls, and other additional extras. We also had cheesecake and a couple other desserts afterwards while we watched the Chiefs beat the Broncos. Nothing says fun like a football game and food.

Casanova even got a special Thanksgiving treat of turkey with his dry dog food. He's still finishing off a diet, but we allowed him to splurge as well for one night.

I put up the Christmas tree in our front room along with various other decorations around the house. I also put a couple of decorations outside the house to make it look a bit more festive without turning it into the Griswold family Christmas (watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation if you don't get that joke).

The baby continues to move all around, with the due date only about 2 months away. I took a belly pic a couple of weeks back. I need to put that up along with a current one.

Mrs. Lime went to a baby shower on Saturday. She brought home a truckload of goodies that we'll have to sort through. I don't know what's there, but I'm sure she has it memorized.

Lots going on. I'm enjoying the calm before the baby storm I suppose.