Friday, December 22, 2006

Slow time of the year at work.......

Today is the beginning of the holiday workdays where not a whole lot goes on. Everyone saves up all their vacation so they can take time off around the holidays. I usually just work around the holidays because there's not a whole lot going on in general. It some easy workdays that pay just the same as any other day.

I've received 5 different X-mas ornaments from people in the office. Being in an office filled with mostly women, you get plenty of 'cute' stuff around the various holidays. I received a snowman, a bell (made of a cut-up egg carton and painted with glitter), a stuffed animal, and a snowman painted onto wood. All quite unique things.

Also, they held something called a 'cookie exchange' at work the other day. Basically, everyone that wants to participate brings in 2 dozen cookies. They then lay out all the cookies in a 'cookie buffet' of sorts and then everyone gets to go through and pick up 2 dozen cookies, resulting in a large variety of cookies for everyone involved. I'm not sure how many of the cookies actually made it home to families as most of the cookies were being eaten throughout the day by the ladies. But the workplace was very pleasant that entire day, so they can eat all the cookies they want if that keeps happening.