Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Driving with the divinity...........

I have a beef with a certain segment of the population. It appears that people with a bumper sticker that says 'Jesus' with a fish symbol surrounding his name are out to get me.

A couple of days back, I was driving to work in a pretty heavy snow. I was driving cautiously in my Mustang, as it doesn't handle in the snow too well. I was in the slow lane. Out of nowhere, a SUV buzzed by me, just missing my driver's side door. I realize that SUV's can go faster in snow, but I also know they handle well enough in the snow that there was no reason for him to get so close to me. As he whizzed by, one thing stuck out. A giant sticker on the back of his vehicle that said 'Jesus' with a fish surrounding the name. I only wish there was a 1-800 number below the fish sign where I could have called Jesus and reported just how bad of a driver this guy really was. I'm sure Jesus wouldn't want his name associated with that kind of behavior.

Flash to this morning. I'm driving to work in the slow lane, though I was travelling at a much swifter 70 MPH. Just as an exit only ramp is about to end on my right, a large pickup truck cuts in front of me to avoid the 'exit only' ramp. He must have come out of nowhere, as I had checked that lane not too long before that. I see the bumper and, you guessed it, a big old 'Jesus' sticker surrounded by a fish symbol is on the back of this truck. He proceeds to accelerate ahead, weaving in and out of traffic without much regard for safety.

I'm not sure what's going on here, but I think Jesus and his PR people need to get on the phone and make sure that drivers that carry his name on their back bumper are driving safely. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Jesus does not approve of this behavior. These people need to get their license revoked by a power much higher than the Missouri Department of Transportation.