Friday, January 04, 2008

Why Republicans are rooting for Hillary..........

Overheard this conversation this morning between three 50-some women in my office..........

Lady #1: Did you see that Hillary lost to Obama and Edwards?

Lady #2: Yeah, she's driving me nuts. That woman somehow thinks she just gets the votes of all women by default.

Lady #3: I wish that Hillary would have somehow taken in some of the speaking skills of her husband. It looks like she has none of those skills.

Lady #2: I agree. I'm a middle-aged woman and all she does is piss me off.

Lady #1: I'm just glad Obama won. It's just something new.

This isn't the first time I've heard this kind of banter in my office, which is mostly composed of women in their 40s and 50s. There's a lot of women that just dislike Hillary Clinton with a passion.

I've always argued that there's not a single person who could set back the future presidential hopes of women more than electing Hillary Clinton as president. She's a polarizing figure who is very abrasive and unyielding in her demeanor. Having her in the White House for 4 years would make people not want to vote another woman into office for some time, despite the fact that future women may have absolutely no similarities to Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully, the support for Hillary seemed to be centered in the far left core of the party with independent voters polling strongly against her, which means that there's little chance that she would win the presidency. The best-case scenario in regards to moving towards a female president would be for Hillary to win the nomination but to lose the election. It would pave the way for future women to reach those levels. It would also paint Hillary as a more sympathetic figure and leader, rather than allow her to be a polarizing figure in the White House, setting the table for a future woman to run as a unifying candidate and win the Presidency.