Monday, August 18, 2008

Best impersonation of a bobber.........

Kali 1.6 and I went to the neighborhood waterpark with some of her friends, Macy and Kaylin. The girls are 6 and 4 respectively, so Kali is a big fan of trying to do everything that the girls were doing. Surprisingly, Macy and Kaylin also wanted to do everything that Kali did. Kali played with a fountain in the shallow area and Macy and Kaylin came over to play in the fountain. Kali and I went over to play with the water cannon and both of the girls came over to play with us. Kali got a big kick out of that and helped shoot the cannon.

Kali also noticed that the girls were walking into the deep part of the water (deep meaning 2-3 feet of water). I followed her several feet behind. Kali followed them into the deep end and got up to chest level when she stumbled and went under the water. I pulled her out after a couple of seconds and she was fine. I knew that babies instinctually hold their breath, so no surprise that she did fine for a couple of seconds.

Surprisingly, she didn't even cry when I pulled her up. She wanted back down and started walking right back out towards the girls again. I followed a bit closer this time. Sure enough, she got up to neck level and fell again. I fished her out again and she was fine again. Over the course of the next 15 minutes, she walked out and went underwater 5-6 times. She did learn that she could walk along the wall and stay more stable. Once the girls came back in, she didn't go into the deep end anymore. She just wanted to play with the big girls.

Next summer should be interesting as I'm sure she'll be taking swimming lessons. Given that Mrs. Lime is a big swimmer, I'm sure we'll have a little fish on our hands.