Saturday, August 30, 2008


Rarely do I post about political topic in this thread, but here comes an exception to that rule.

I am thrilled with the VP selection of Sarah Palin today. What a breath of fresh air for a Republican candidate to pick this kind of person to be their running mate. For those that don't know, this woman was on the oil industry ethics board and attacked big oil where she found issues in their corporations. That's a brave thing to do given Alaska's reliance on the oil industry for a major portion of their revenue.

The Alaskan GOP is generally know for being very corrupt. She took on two former governors (one in the primary and one in the general election) and beat them both. In addition, she refused funding for pork-barrel projects that the senior Republican U.S. senator had put into some of the bills passed through the U.S. government. That senator now faces corruption charges, while Sara Palin holds a 80%+ approval rating, which is rare for a Republican governor during the Bush presidency.

This selection is really going to energize both the Republican base along with some women voters. Hopefully it will end in a Republican presidency.