Thursday, August 28, 2008

She's a dancin', dancin', dancin' machine!!!!!!!

Last night, Kali 1.6 and I got home to hang out for a bit on our own. As soon as we got home, she said she wanted to eat, so we got right down to business and had some dinner. She plowed through a plate of carrots and then finished off some fruit and a piece of pizza to round things out.

After that was all done, we sat down in the living room and read some books. Kali loves to read and she loves to dance. I turned on 'America's Got Talent' on the TV. I had DVR'd a couple of episodes. She ignored it for the most part while reading her books. But as soon as some music came on, she'd chuck the book to the floor and off we'd go. Marching and clapping around and around and around the couch. She can't get enough of it. As soon as the music stops, we head right back to the book like the dancing didn't even happen.

Of course, after 90 minutes of reading and dancing, she was all ready for a snack. She ate a small plate of pretzels and then requested some Dora cookies. She followed all that up with a glass of water. She's even getting good at saying 'peez' (please) whenever she asks for something. I used to tell her to say please, but even that is rarely needed unless she's in a demanding/impolite mood. In that case, a brief reminder usually does the trick.

We played a few games of peek-a-boo and did a couple more dances before bedtime. Welcome to my world.