Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Warning.......she's learning stuff.

Some may remember this post from just a couple of weeks ago.....

Who gave her a brain?

In that post, I detailed that Kali 1.6 knew roughly where the letters went, but she wasn't always able to fit them in.

Fast forward to last night. She completed the puzzle three times in roughly 10 minutes without any issues. Note that this is a puzzle for 3 YEAR OLDS. She started working on it on her own while I was sitting on the couch. I didn't want to say anything or bother her because she was obviously deep in thought. After the third time, I got up and gave her a hug and praised her. She was pretty proud of herself.

Mrs. Lime occasionally takes the puzzle with them when they go somewhere. It's a good distraction when needed. She puts the puzzle pieces in a Ziploc bag so they don't get lost.

When Kali finished the puzzle for a third time and got a hug, she dumped out the pieces again and I sat back down on the sofa and watched the Olympics. After a minute or two, Kali headed my way. I looked down to see her holding the Ziploc bag that was on the table. She had put all the puzzle pieces back in the bag and brought them to me since she was done with the puzzle! Not only is she smart, but she cleans up after herself! I'm thinking she's a keeper.