Thursday, August 21, 2008

The disappearing act...............

When I was younger, I could get my hand wet and then run my fingers through my hair to straighten it up a bit. Pat a hair down here, pull one over there, etc. Relatively easy maintenance situation.

Now, it's become so much more complicated. Granted, I have less hairs per square inch, but that also entails other issues. When I get my hand wet and run my fingers through my hair, there's always a chance that some water could drip down to my scalp. When I was younger, it wasn't that big of a deal. The decrease in hair has produced a new problem. That water now runs down my scalp and often drips down my face. Like water off a duck's back.

In addition, even if I use water to tap down a hair, there's a good chance it won't stay there. It will likely start to stick back up because there's very few hairs surrounding it to keep it in place. In other words, a total lack of support.

If I lose much more, I'm just going to give it a buzz. Perhaps even go 'cue ball' and take it all off. I'm crazy like that.