Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kali 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Kali's big birthday. She's now officially 2 years of age.

Kali is the best thing that's ever happened to me (I doubt Mrs. Lime will feel too slighted by this comment). Being a good parental role model while giving a child unconditional love is a tough balance that requires constant refinement as you progress. It's never easy, but always rewarding. It's also made me a MUCH better person.

While it was tough initially as a new dad to take care of Kali when Mrs. Lime was working in the evening, I've quickly found it to be a blessing. Kali and I have a great bond together because we're able to spend so much one-on-one time with each other. While Kali is a momma's girl whenever Mrs Lime enters the room, it's a totally different dynamic when it becomes just Kali and I. It's really difficult to explain, but we just get along really well and have a great time together. Mrs. Lime will even vouch that it gets a bit roudy when we get together. Mrs. Lime walked into a Kali dance party last night in the living room.

I'm very thankful for everything that Kali has brought to our lives. She makes it very easy to love her. It's a wonderful blessing.