Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Kali 2.0 moments........

-Kali 2.0 can now climb into the jacuzzi tub without assistance. That tub has a pretty tall side on it. This girl has some LONG legs on her. One more good reason to learn how to shoot a shotgun in the next 8-10 years before the first boyfriend shows up.

-All those rumors about what happens to a child when you give them a big dose of sugar/candy? I can confirm that they're all true.

-I've been teaching Kali how to put away toys/books after we finish playing with them. If I ask her to do it, she says no. If I make it a game and 'play' too, she's gung-ho about it.

-When your daughter says 'diaper' and then points to her bottom and says 'poo-poo', it's a good idea to take her word for it and act promptly.

-Mrs. Lime has always been a big fan of pizza crust, while I rarely eat it. Mrs. Lime used to always eat my crust leftovers, but now she's got competition. Kali is a crust eater. The other night, I took a last bite off of the piece of pizza I was eating, leaving only the crust. Before I could even finish that bite, I heard Kali say 'here'. I turned to see her pointing at her plate. She was already telling me that I was supposed to put my crust on her plate so she could eat it.

-My mom used a coffee cup that had a snowman on it when she was in town over the weekend. Yesterday, Kali said 'Grandma!'. I looked over at her and she was pointing at the cup my mom had used two days before. Girl has a mind that just won't quit. It's scary.

-Kali watches me play video games on occasion. I have one game that is a war game with no gore. At one point, my character was 'killed' and went flying across the battlefield. Kali pointed at the screen and said, "Uh-oh". I said, "Yes, uh-oh is right." Kali's response: "Right!"

-Kali wanted to play with the drums and guitars the other night from my Rock Band video game. I started up the game and played one of the songs on guitar. Kali grabbed the other guitar and started pressing buttons while holding the guitar and dancing. She loved it.

-The other night, Kali and I were watching the nightly news while eating dinner. At some point, the newscaster came on and mentioned that Tiger Woods was back from his injury and would be playing in this weekend's tournament. No sooner than the reporter said 'Tiger Woods', Kali jumped up in her chair and yelled, "GO TIGERS!"

That's my girl!