Thursday, April 06, 2006

Accidental humor.........

So my parents are coming into town and staying for the weekend. I set up a rental car reservation for my parents.

I called my dad to give him the reservation number. I told him to get pen and paper to write down the car confirmation number. He gets pen and paper and I read off the reservation number.

"It's D1234567", I said. "I got you the standard model and you can adjust as you see fit when you get there".

"OK", says Dad.

I then said, "Alright Dad, and here's the address. It's at the Marriott Inner Harbor, 110 Eutaw Street."

Dad replies, "And what was this for again?"

At this point, I realize that the thought has creeped into my father's head that I might be dumping my parents at a hotel instead of them staying with us at the house or something to that effect. I quickly rake my brain for something good to say at the time like, 'That's the hotel we're making you stay at while you're out here'. Instead, I simply say, "That's the place where you pick up the rental car. It's located at a hotel."

I believe I'll be going to hell in gasoline underpants for finding this unintended moment amusing.