Anyway, there's a place called Vaccarro's that serves desserts that are very well known. Every form of dessert you could think of is served in this place. Obviously, they also serve enormous portions of the dessert, so it's not a good idea to go to this place on a full stomach. I had some lemon Italian ice and Mrs. Lime had some form of Italian pastry (I'm not real good at remember what shape of bread is called what) which she obviously enjoyed as it disappeared quite quickly.
There were approximately 30 people in the upstairs dining room with us. Everything was relatively quiet other than the occasional noise from a kid when a new group of 6 people showed up. I believe they were 3 couples out for a night together. Very quickly, we started hearing this noise that was evidently a laugh of some sort. It started like a siren sound going upward in tone, then followed by a few hiccup or 'ha' sounds and then another siren sound going down in tone. I started chuckling because it sounded so goofy. Mrs. Lime chastised me for laughing, saying she thought that the woman may be mentally disabled and that I shouldn't laugh at that. After a couple more minutes of the same sound except increasing in volume and tone, it was pretty evident to both of us that it was a drunk rather than a disabled person. She had evidently got some form of the giggles while being drunk resulting in a crazy sounding laugh that ended up more like a tornado siren with several "ha's" stuck in between.
The funniest part of the situation was that as you looked around, it became quite evident that all the other tables were having the same conversations and revalations concerning the laughing. Lots of confusions as to what was happening followed by chuckles when they realized that she was simply drunk with the giggles. At some point, she couldn't control her laughter and was making her siren sound in full effect. Everyone in the room began to laugh hysterically. I saw two waitresses who were literally bent over at the waist laughing. Mrs. Lime and I were looking at each other and both of us were crying heavily because we were laughing so hard. Another family with two parents and several kids were all laughing and a couple of the kids had their head buried in their hands trying to cover their laughter. The guy who was seating people came over to ask the lady if everything was OK. This only started a new round of 'tornado siren' laughter. Everyone in the room literally laughed out loud for 2+ minutes without stopping. The people in the downstairs room I'm sure must have wondered what in the hell was going on upstairs.
We managed to calm ourselves to the point where we could finish our desserts. As we left, the man who was seating people apologized to us for the laughter situation. Mrs. Lime simply replied that she didn't mind and actually enjoyed it. We laughed one more time over her comment and headed home.