Mrs. Lime and her sister are off to KC for a couple of days, so I will be holding down the fort with the two dogs. Hope to get a bit of cleaning done in the process. Casanova (our 90 lb. dog) scared the hell out of an old lady and her 7 lb. dog today. I let Nova out of the car after taking Mrs. Lime to the airport. Nova immediately turned to walk toward the street. He saw the little dog and the lady and took off to meet his new friends. Of course, the old lady and her dog didn't see a friend heading toward them.....they saw a monstrous dog that would probably eat them both. The old lady screamed out a couple of NO's before she heard me saying that he was friendly. Nonetheless, I don't think either of them were sold, but I did save Nova from getting kicked by a foot or something else. I was laughing inside but sympathizing with her on the outside.