Sunday, January 14, 2007

Near-death experience......

Note to the guy in the blue Mustang who was out around midnight on Hwy 210 near the Missouri River.

When it's sleeting and there is ice on the road, you should be very careful when driving a rear wheel drive vehicle. I thought you were going somewhat fast when you initially went by me. When you decided to speed up once you hit the uphill straight portion of the rode, my fears were confirmed.

When you initially spun sideways and nearly missed splitting your car in half on the bridge railing, you should have decided right then that God had greater plans for you in life. When you then proceeded to spin completely around 3 times and ended up pointing straight ahead on the road without a scratch on your car, you should have KNOWN that God had great plans for you in life.

I hope that is the last stupid thing you do in life.