Sunday, August 26, 2007

Note to all new parents........

Feeding a baby can be an awfully tough thing to do at times. With that said, I offer these pearls of wisdom........

1. If the food cup/bowl is within reach of the baby, it's pretty likely that they will either stick their hand in it or flip the bowl over completely. I suggest keeping it at a safe distance.

2. If the food you have chosen is not to the baby's liking, they will not hesitate to let you know just how much they dislike your selection. I suggest moving on to a different food rather than forcing the current food. The results could be catastrophic.

3. The food that they eat comes out in the diaper or back up in the form of spit-up the exact same color it went down. It makes for easy identification of the offending materials.

4. When the baby opens its mouth during feeding, be sure that the baby is opening its mouth to eat and not for other reasons. If the baby opens its mouth to sneeze and you stick some food in there, there's a pretty good chance that food is going to be forcefully sprayed all over you and the surrounding kitchen area when the sneeze does occur. Learn from me. It's a lot easier than learning on your own.

5. Similarly, when the baby shows that it's done, do not force the issue. The baby will often take any further food deposited in their mouth and spit it all over the kitchen. Again, something you don't want to learn on your own.

I hope this saves future parents from the lessons I learned the hard way.