Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bathroom: Library or Bedroom?

Too often in the workplace, I've seen men go into the bathroom with a newspaper or magazine and just disappear for 15-30 minutes. It's one thing to use the facilities for what they're intended, but it's another thing when people simply take a half-hour out of their 8 hour workday to do nothing more than read periodicals.

When I was at a large corporation in the past, we actually had a guy that took it to a new level. He would go into the bathroom and enter a stall. He would then somehow position himself in that stall and literally go to sleep, sometimes for a few hours at a time. It worked well for awhile, until one of our major executives happened to go into the bathroom while he was sleeping. He would have got away with it if he didn't have a major snoring problem. Needless to say, he was terminated shortly thereafter.

In my current workplace, they've created a new deterrent to men who might want to read (or sleep) in the bathroom. It's likely a unfixed problem, but the air-conditioning in that bathroom runs non-stop. As a result, I'd be shocked if it was a degree above 50 degrees F in that bathroom. It's borderline arctic weather. I go in, do my business, and get out. If I stay too long, I feel ice start to form in my veins. My fingers start to get numb. It's not pretty, but there's no way most people would want to hang out too long in there. If you do, bring a coat.