Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Another corrupting weekend with her dad.......

Mrs. Lime worked most of the holiday weekend, so Kali 0.6 had a whole lot of time to spend with her dad. Obviously never a good sign as her dad knows far too many goofy things that she should never learn.

I think Kali's teeth are hurting her a bit right now. She sometimes starts crying out of nowhere when she bites down on something and has trouble going to sleep every now and then. We give her some stuff for the pain, but I'm sure it's still a bit annoying to her. I had the magic touch a few weeks back on getting her to sleep. It appears now that Mrs. Lime has that magic touch and that I lost it. I'm sure I'll get it back at some point.

Kali also is showing more emotions in regards to being scared. Loud noises don't bother her quite as much as unexpected noises. If something catches her off guard, she'll get a wild look in her eyes. I took Kali through a car wash at 2 months and it didn't phase her at all. I took her through a car wash the other day and she went nuts. Note to self: Don't do that again.

She's also learning to show more emotion towards Mrs. Lime and I. She now likes to give and get hugs and rub heads with Mrs. Lime and I. She loves all the attention. She goes nuts (in a good way) any time Nova enters the room. She gets extremely excited and starts screaming. It used to scare Nova, but he appears to just shrug it off at this point.

I'm sure there will be a whole new list of things she does in a couple of weeks.