Monday, September 10, 2007

Poker and playtime.......

We held our monthly poker tourney this past weekend. I actually played just about as well as I could and finished one spot out of the money. Just falls that way sometimes I suppose. I had a good run of cards at one point and a horrible run of cards the next. That happens when you play that many hands over the course of a few hours.

Kali 0.6 showed off some new skills yesterday. First, I got her to hand me a small toy by holding out my hand and then gave it back to her. It wasn't a 100% success rate by any means, but it was pretty obvious that she was getting the hang of it.

The placement advancement continued later when I got out a set of stackable toys. She managed to grab one of the trays from the top of the toy and remove it. Then, much to my surprise a few minutes later, she put the tray back in its original position at the top of the stack. The toy played some music when she put it back and I praised her for doing it. She was pretty excited, though I'm sure most of the excitement was just that I was giving her praise rather than any connection by her between the action and the praise. She loves attention, and she got plenty of it for that effort.