Monday, April 02, 2007

Chaotic weekend........

We had a VERY busy weekend. Saturday, Mrs. Lime worked for 4 hours in the morning, so I was on duty. Shockingly, I think I may be getting the hang of this parenting thing. Kali only had one meltdown on my watch and a bottle quickly rectified the problem. The only reason she even had a problem was that she thinks I should produce a bottle instantly when she's hungry. While her mom can do that the old fashioned way, I take a couple of minutes to get the bottle ready. Hopefully, she'll be more patient as time goes along, but I think that's a pipe dream.

Also on Saturday, I organized a poker fundraising tournament. Everyone had a great time and we raised enough money to add a scholarship for this year. Really excited that it went so well. Most of the food that we put out was eaten and about 1/2 of the donated beer was drank. We sat down afterwards and watched the college basketball games.

Meanwhile, Kali 0.2's g-ma and g-pa came over and babysit. Mrs. Lime termed it a success, though it should be noted that we set the success bar rather low. We said we would term the babysitting duty a success as long as they didn't drop the baby on the head. Hence, when Mrs. Lime got home to find the baby intact, it was immediately termed a success.

Sunday, Mrs. Lime worked in the morning again and then we headed out with Kali for a baby shower. There was lots of kids and stuff going on at the party. We had a lot of fun and everyone was happy to see Kali. She moved around between myself and Mrs. Lime for the most part. The highlight of the day was when 5 of the men were upstairs with Kali. She had just taken a nap and was smiling and laughing at all the guys. She also ripped a large fart, which received unanimous kudos from all of the men in the room. That's my girl!

We got home around 6:30 and sat down in the living room. Mrs. Lime fed Kali and I laid down on the floor. Next thing I know, I wake up at 9:30 and find Mrs. Lime and Kali asleep as well. Guess we all needed a 2 hour nap! We went upstairs and fed Kali one more time and then went to bed. Kali slept for 7 hours again (she's now slept 7 hours straight for 4 out of the last 8 nights). Mrs. Lime and Kali were both smiling when I left this morning, so the extra sleep seemed to help everyone involved.