Friday, April 20, 2007

Kali 0.2 continues to develop.......

Kali 0.2 is doing a lot more things now. She's a lot more active with her hands and has started to suck on her fingers (she hasn't got the thumb-sucking thing down yet). She wiggles a lot and tries to flip over. She's also able to lay on her tummy and lift her head up, though being on her tummy isn't her favorite thing to do.

Kali spend a long weekend with Mrs. Lime away, which has caused a bit of a set-back as far as bottle feeding goes. She screamed for awhile, went asleep and then woke up to scream some more before finally taking the bottle and eating a bit. Eventually, Mrs. Lime showed up and finished the deal. I don't mind it too much. While I never like to have my baby upset, at some level, you don't get nearly as frustrated after awhile over the little things. She'll be back to eating out of the bottle better in a week or two and we'll have her bottle feeding in a few months.

Kali loves to go out for a walk with the stroller. People come up to see her while she's on the walk and she always smiles at them or giggles. She's quickly becoming an attention whore evidently. She loves to smile (unless she's hungry). Last night, she sat in her bouncing chair and laughed for 15 minutes at 'Survivor' on TV. Evidently, she enjoys watching other people's misfortune when they're trapped on a deserted island. I suppose I can't blame her. I found it pretty amusing as well. People will do crazy stuff when they're hungry, dirty, and tired.