Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The guilt-ridden handicapped guy.........

My workplace is a large building, housing a couple thousand government workers. At the front of the parking lot, there are roughly 100 handicapped parking spots.

When I drove up at 6:00 AM this morning, the first workers were beginning to arrive. I noticed one car park in a handicapped spot. Most of the handicapped spots were open, but he parked in the handicapped spot FURTHEST from the entry to the building. Odd, I thought.

As he got out, I quickly understood why he parked in such a distant spot. He was roughly in his 40s, walked without any issues, and was a smoker to boot. So basically, this guy had a handicapped parking pass, but didn't really need one. As a way to somehow avoid feeling guilty about parking in a handicapped parking spot without a real need to do so, he parked in the spot furthest from the building. By doing that, he.......

1) Avoided taking a spot closest to the building so he wouldn't feel guilty when a less fortunate person ended up having to walk a further distance.

2) Avoided parking next to a handicapped person who was getting out of their car who would have likely shot this perfectly mobile 'handicapped' guy a guilt-filled stare.

I would have shot him a guilt-filled stare as well, but I wasn't able to catch up with him before he entered the building. He was walking too fast.