Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Developing quickly..........

I'm amazed at how quickly Kali 2.6 is changing into a little lady. First, the reports of great advancement on potty training were accurate. Kali has gone from little interest in potty training to looking forward to doing potty training. The apparant catalyst is that you have to put a Disney Princesses potty seat on the regular toilet. If you do that, she's always ready and willing to potty on request. Who knew?

Kali's also grown a large vocabulary in a big hurry. She's soaking up words every day and turning right around and using those words and phrases the very next day. We're not just talking words like cat and dog. These are three syllable words and they come out often. Pretty impressive.

She's also become very good at counting to 20 and saying the alphabet without any issues. She knows the letters just by looking at them and is able to tell you a word that starts with that letter. Her ability to put together puzzles has grown by leaps and bounds as well. She used to just stick the pieces together without little thought as to whether the pictures on the pieces fit together. Now she puts together the puzzles by looking at how they relate.

Crazy stuff. Won't be long before I'm the dumbest one in the house. I'm OK with that.