Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm 9 feet tall!

Kali 2.6 and I went over to the local elementary school to goof around for a bit. Did some swinging where she wanted to make sure she went "really high". We played around on some slides. We also walked across a suspension bridge. Kali also showed off her competitive nature by challenging me to a race. I let her win, but not by much just to make sure she doesn't get too cocky.

Later on, we headed over to the kickball/tetherball/basketball area. The school had left their play balls out on the playground, so Kali ran right over to pick up one of the balls. I picked up a different ball and started shooting some baskets. Kali saw what I was doing and immediately ran over to the base of the basketball goal post and stood there with her ball, looking back at me.

I walked over to see what she was doing. She said 'Kali go up'. I was trying to figure out what she wanted. I asked her if she wanted to climb the poll. Nope, she replied, that wasn't it. Then she said 'Kali make ball' and pointed at the basket. She wanted a boost to shoot at the basket just like Daddy did. I picked her up and lifted her as high as I could. She didn't make it, but she was pretty fired up that she got to shoot at the same basked that I did.