Tuesday, August 11, 2009


As I mentioned previously, I have taken on some work with Kali's Papa involving some meetings and paperwork for a project he's working on. In addition, I occasionally have some things like swimming lessons for Kali. This has forced me to do something I have never done before.......organize events on my phone calendar.

I've always been one to just work from day to day. But now, I'm having an increasing number of things that I have to do and I'm too damn forgetful to rely on my grey matter alone. So I now have pop-up alarms going off on my phone to remind me when I have something to do an hour or two before I have to do them. It drives me nuts, but I have little choice in the matter. I'm getting old AND busy, neither of which helps me remember what the heck I'm supposed to be doing at a given time.

I've also started to add people to my phone address book when they call me. I'm now dealing with new people in business where I need to learn/remember their name. I'm terrible with names, so this is the only way for me to fight that battle and win. If I add them to the phone the first time they call me, then their name will pop up right before we chat and I'll be able to better associate the name with a face/voice.

It'll be a struggle for me initially, but I'll work it out. It's probably for the best. Hopefully my wife won't find me to be forgetful going forward as a result.