Friday, August 07, 2009

That's why it's worth it........

Raising a kid can be a pain in the rear. Mrs. Lime and I have been repeatedly told that we've got it easy with Kali 2.5. But she still can have her moments. Of late, she's wanted to stay up later and then wants to come in to hang out with Mommy and Daddy at 3:00 AM in the morning. She's usually not willing to compromise, so it's been a battle.

But then, you have moments like last night, when Kali and I were laying on the couch together. She turned towards me for no particular reason, got a big grin on her face when she knew she had my attention, and planted a ridiculously sloppy kiss right on my lips. That's about as close as you'll ever come to getting approval as a parent from your child. I'll take it.