Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sesame Street!

I started recording Sesame Street episodes for Kali. She watches a DVD of Sesame Street from time to time, so she knows a lot of the characters. I'm amazed at how excited she gets for the episodes. She knows all the names. If she doesn't recognize something, she'll ask what it is or who it is. She hops up and down and sings the theme song pretty well.

I used to watch Sesame Street all the time when I was little. It still does many of the same things that it did long ago. Lots of emphasis on the letter and number of the day. Many of the same people are still on the show from when I watched it, although they're 30 years older than they were in the past. People like Mr. Hooper have passed away. The characters are obviously ageless. It's fun to watch it after not watching it so long. It's even better that it's recorded on a daily basis. That way I can watch it with her if there's any new episodes rather than miss out. Thank God for technology.