Sunday, March 25, 2007

Busy weekend.......

I haven't posted in couple of days because I've been doing a lot of baby care lately. I had the day off on Friday and spent most of the day taking care of the baby. Mrs. Lime took a nap. Nothing all that exciting. Mostly just feeding, playing and diaper changing. Standard fare.

Saturday was a bit more exciting. Mrs. Lime worked in the morning, so I was left in charge again. Just played with the baby and fed her some. After Mrs. Lime was done with work, she and Kali 0.2 went up to the gate house in our subdivision. They had an Easter egg hunt for all the neighborhood kids. The Easter Bunny himself was even in attendance. I went off and hit some golf balls while they were going to the egg hunt.

After the egg hunt, Kali, Mrs. Lime and Casanova took a walk around the neighborhood (it was really nice out; around 70 degrees). I came back by the house and we went out for lunch with some friends. We came home for a bit and Kali and Mrs. Lime took an afternoon nap.

At 6:00 PM, we headed over to another friend's house for a cookout. They have two girls named Macy (4 years old) and Kaylin (2 years old). Both the girls got to hold Kali and get their pictures taken. The girls were very excited to see the baby and Kali watched every move they made while they were playing.

We got back around 9:00 PM and fed Kali. She had 'tanked up' (i.e. ate a lot as she does before bedtime) and was ready to go to sleep. It didn't take much work to get her to sleep and she slept from 10:00 PM to 5:25 AM this morning. It's officially a Kali record of 7 hours of sleep uninterrupted! Mrs. Lime was very happy with that and actually woke up once during the night (probably thinking it was odd she hadn't woke up yet) only to find the baby still asleep. I'm sure she won't sleep that long every night, but her mom was certainly happy to have the rest, even if it doesn't always work out that way.