Monday, March 19, 2007

Random questions for thought.......

-Does the act of unknowingly wearing a jacket to work that has spit-up all over it make someone officially a dad? If so, count me as a dad starting right now.

-If you see an auto repair shop that has 'Fresh Flowers Available Here' posted on their sign, is that a good sign that their auto repair may not be exactly what you're looking for? If so, I've found that place.

-If your dog starts blowing you off in the morning when you ask him if he want to go outside, are you losing disciplinary control of your household? If so, I've lost control.

-If your baby laughs when you're singing a stupid song to her, is she laughing AT you or laughing WITH you? I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that.

-When you're taking care of a baby for an entire day, why does the day seem to pass so quickly? Thank God for nap time or I wouldn't have even noticed that Sunday bothered to show up at all.

-When a group is moved to new offices at work, is it a bad sign that people are finally throwing away papers from 2001 that probably haven't been viewed SINCE 2001? Some people just need to stop printing things for no good reason.

-Is it sad that I'm rooting for Hillary Clinton to be the democratic nominee so I know that we'll have another republican president? Probably just practical more than anything, as I can't afford to have a democratic president who will excessively tax my family simply because we're TOO successful.

-What are the odds that you get to see two squirrels fight and two rabbits fight in your backyard on the same day? If you were me yesterday, there was a 100% chance of seeing that. For what it's worth, Casanova loved watching it all unfold.

-What are the odds that a baby will have to go #1 or #2 at the moment when you're changing her diaper? Judging from my own personal experiences, I'd put that number around 70%.

-Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Because you're hair resembles a nest.

-How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Answer: 5.