Monday, March 12, 2007

That's really early.........

I must be some sort of glutton for punishment. Over the weekend, Daylight Savings Time went into effect. Dubya bumped up the DST so it actually occurred 3 weeks earlier than usual this year. That's find by me as I like to have more daylight in the evenings.

The problem is that I usually work the morning shift from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM. It's a great gig as you get out of work nice and early. You get to avoid any traffic issues on the commute and have time after work if needed to run errands on the way home. But when the 'spring forward' comes in March, it doesn't seem like such a fun thing. I wake up around 5:20 or so normally. Right after the DST changes, that 5:20 AM actually feels like 4:20 AM because you're not adjusted for time yet.

So you'd think that my body wouldn't be fully adjusted and that I'd be startled awake by the alarm when it went off so early this morning. Right? Evidently not. I actually woke up 13 minutes BEFORE my alarm was supposed to go off. You've got to be KIDDING me. Of course, since I realized that my alarm was about to go off, I failed to go to sleep for the last few minutes. Thankfully, I did notice when it was 5:19 and got up a minute early so the alarm wouldn't actually go off. We've still got the baby in our room for another couple of weeks, so I avoided waking up the baby. Hopefully she slept longer as a result. We'll have her in the nursery soon and then we won't have to worry about her waking up because of the alarm.