Tuesday, March 27, 2007

'Dunlop' in the house!!!!!!!

OK, this situation just begs to have a blog entry........

At our office, they run the wiring for all network and phone connections through the drop ceilings. If someone needs to access the wiring, they simply get up on a ladder, move the ceiling tile to the side and route the wiring down to whatever cube or room it's needed.

We just moved to another floor in our building. I was one of the unfortunate ones to receive a cubicle that was just set up. That means that I don't have network and phone jacks in my cubicle at this point. There's a cube next to me that has network access. Thankfully, that lady is out on vacation this week, so I took a network wire and ran it under the cube wall to hook to her network connection. So, I'm basically doing the same thing as stealing cable TV from your neighbor in order to get some work done until I can get my own connection.

There's a repairman that is now up on a ladder trying to sort out the various cables and get something hooked up for those of us without a connection. This repair man appears to run about 5'6" and 300 lbs. So this man is heading up a ladder above the cubicle walls and is in open view of most of the workers in this area. Currently, he's reaching up into the ceiling. Unfortunately, he decided to wear a shirt that barely covered his waist even when he was standing on the ground. So everyone in the area is now being treated to quite a memorable view. Basically, his head and arms are in the ceiling looking for wires. Meanwhile, his shirt tail is going up to reveal plumber's crack in the back and a 'dunlop' belly that 'done lopped' over his pants by at least 8 inches.

I'm guessing that there are a lot of office workers in this area that have just decided to skip lunch at this point.